Winding Your Grandfather Clock

How can I tell if my clock needs to be wound?

shs blog winding 1.jpg

The closer your hanging weights are to the bottom of the clock the sooner you will need to wind your clock.

 How often should I wind my Grandfather Clock?

Most Grandfathers are 8 day clocks- meaning that they will run for 8 days on a single wind cycle. You may safely wind your clock at any time during this 8 day period. Some prefer to chose a particular time each week. For example: Friday night just before bed, Sunday afternoon after lunch, etc. Getting in the habit of winding your clock at the same time can increase the chances that it will not run down.

I forgot to wind my Grandfather Clock. What now?

 If your weights have run their full length and your pendulum has stopped swinging- do not fret. Simply wind your clock as normal and then set the pendulum in motion again by giving it a gentle sideways push. Then  use the minute hand on the clock face to set the correct time.

Can I over wind my clock?

Typically, no. Most models have automatic stops that will catch your weights when they are fully wound. However, if you are concerned this may be an issue you can always stop winding before the weights reach the top. You may need to wind your Grandfather Clock more frequently, as it will shorten the cycle, but it will not harm your clock.


My Grandfather Clock's weights are heavy for me. What can I do to help pull them up?

If you are using a pull chain system to wind your clock the weights may feel rather heavy for some. Distributing the tension can make the process feel much less daunting. To acheieve this try supporting the weight as you pull the chain down. Hold the chain just above where it connects to the TOP of the weight. (Pushing from the bottom may cause your weight to disengage from the chain. You may be stuck holding the weight or it might even come crashing through the bottom of your clock!)With one hand, pull the chain straight down as normal- while supporting the weight (by holding the chain directly above it) with your other hand. Keep in mind that touching  the polished brass cylinders with bare hands will tarnish the metals. To keep your weights looking their best avoid touching them all together or wear gloves if you must handle the cylinders.

support weights from top

support weights from top

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My Grandfather Clock is Losing/Gaining Time